Friday, September 11, 2009

Starting over..

I needed change, I needed to start over.

Here is my new blog, with a new outlook, a positive outlook... Hopefully.

I should be sleeping, work comes early, and i'm thinking about taking on a second job. I must be out of my mind. I cant sleep, sleeping does not come naturally anymore. I picked up some Sominex while in Dallas, but i've ran out.. I need to go buy more.

I've been trying to plan our vacation to Jamaica, god... I hate having to do the planning. Ben wants to stay at a all inclusive resort, and to be honest... I dont care. As long as it has a COMFY bed, i'm good. My thoughts were taking a cruise through the Bahamas, with the prices so low right now, we can get a balcony suite.

Aw, and i'm doing a Raw Vegan diet. Purely for health reason, and it's going well. Most people start off with just being 70-80% raw, i went straight for 100% raw. I can say this, it wont last on vacations. It's impossible to eat raw, in, oh.. let's say Las Vegas, unless I wanted to taxi to a Smith's and buy lettuce and cucumber. Haha. Plus, when we go I want to go to Bobbly Flay's restuarant, I've never been able to eat there.

Speaking of Vegas, we are going. October 7-11th. I really cant wait, we haven't been since July. Which for us, is kinda a record, since we usually probably go once a month. Ben's got to be there for a Green "ECO" Class, so i'm going to shop while he's doing that. I need to check out all the vintage shops, and spend a months salary. hah.

Eh, I'm tired. I will attempt that thing that involves, a bed, closing my eyes, and maybe some snoring?

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